Kenia’s Light Graffiti

In this project we first chose a group and in our group there were 7 people. And to take the pictures like this with our name or drawings,And the one that was taking the photos kept the button pressed and when the other finished drawing or writing Name or words, then the one who was taking pictures pressed the button and leg go the picture and waited for 2 to 3 seconds and the picture came out with what we drew or wrote. Usually we use the light from our phone and turn off the light of the main gym so that it could look cool, It was very good to do this project because we learned more new things. And if you want to see our photos just click Here

Kenia’s Rule Of Thirds

in this project we had to take pictures of any person or objects, and the camera had the 3 lines and there we took the photos between the lines without making any movement, and the difficult thing was to see that object to take a picture and that could be seen very well We spent a few days taking pictures outside the school and in the main gym. If you want to see my photos go by clicking Here


In this project my group and I stand behind a black sign with lights, And we do not have to move anywhere so that the photos could be dark without any shadow behind, Then if they were dark or with some shadow what we did was go to photoshop and edit, And trying to they can be perfect in the back and that our faces are not so dark have to be clear, only the back has to be very dark without shadows was difficult to be looking and trying to let the photos perfect, If you want to see the photos of our group please click here


In this project what we did was a group of 5, two of them had the lights on each side so the back around  would be white without shade. Then we take pictures in a turn each one of us help each other, Then I have to check our photos and if they were missing more white color in the back we have to edit them so that they have a good color. and l have to edit them to put the logo in the photo that i pick. And also we have to chose a photo of other people that we take of them and with our logo too. If you want to see ours photos you can seeing by clicking Here

KENIA’S 5 Shots

in this project all I have to do is take pictures of different 3 objects and of each object I have to take 5 photos. the difficult thing is like having balance so that they come out pretty and interesting. this helped me how to take them well in 5 different ways and good balance. and I think it’s pretty and I love taking pictures. 
you can see the photos by clicking here