Set in the Street

     For this project we took the idea of the album “Set in the Street” by Justin Bettman and combined it with the Kitchen Table album by Carrie Mae Weems. We did the same thing that Justin’s album did and we set up a scene of a kitchen table, but we were really in a school. After we took all our photos, we then edited them to look like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Before we started to use any of the tools, we first had to turn the photos black and white. After we had to use the marquee tool in order to select the lower 2/3’s of the photo. We then inverted the marquee so it would select the top 1/3 of the photo, and once it was selected we had to mess around with the darkness levels of the top of the photos; in order for them to look more like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Finally, if were to take photos of my family in a a place that tells my family’s story, I would take the photos in my moms room. I would take my photos here because this is were my family meets most of the time, this is where we are the most together (for the most part).

To view all my photos click here

Catch The Action

     For this project we had to take 8-10 photos of any sort of action. This doesn’t mean though that the background had to be blurry, but there just had to be some sort of action going on. For these pictures we set the camera to manual mode, so that we could manually adjust the camera to the best settings. The one big thing we had to change was the ISO to 1/800, so that it could capture all the action. To set up most of our shots, we planned out what we were going to do and at what angle the picture was going to be at, in order to get the best photo possible. For many of our photos, we had to take multiple in order to get a good shot. One big thing that helped me capture the action, was to take my photos in a burst so that you have a greater chance of getting a good photo. Finally, if I could be at any sports event to take a photo, personally  I would be at a football game because there is lots of action and opportunities to take good photos.

To view the rest of my photos click here