1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to find three different objects, one being a person, and take 5 different angled pictures of each object. It was challenging finding the 5th angle for all the objects. The hardest object to photograph was the pencil, because it was hard to get it to stand up and find all the angles. This project helped me think of all the angles that you can take a picture of.

To view all my pictures go here.

24 Colors Project

For this assignment we had to take pictures of objects that matched with the colors in a classic 24 color crayon box, and then attach our logos to our two favorite photos. The most challenging part of the project was when I got down to a couple of colors left, it was a bit hard to find things in the school that matched these colors. One color that was especially hard to find in the school was violet/purple. It was pretty easy to get all the basic colors done though, like red, green, blue, etc; because those colors are everywhere around the school.

To see the rest of my photos go here