The Final Project

Overall, my photography class has been really enjoyable and a nice break from all the work in school. I have learned many new techniques on how to improve your photos, I think what I have learned will definitely help me in the future somehow. Also, honestly photography in my opinion is an easier class, so it is nice to be able to be more relaxed and not as worried about getting stuff done. Last year when I was choosing my classes, I wasn’t quite sure what photography would really be like; but overall, photography class is not very different than what I expected. This class has definitely changed the way I take photos now and how I will take photos in the future; and has also helped me imagine all the possible angles for things and what the best shots could be. Looking back, my favorite project from this year would have to be our first project, the 24 crayons project. This was my favorite project because it was fun to go around our school and find all the possible and most creative places to hide our crayons. It was especially fun when I got down to my couple last crayons but couldn’t find anything that matched the color, it was fun to venture around the school for those last few colors. I’m not quite sure photography would be a future job for me, because I don’t really think I would be good enough to have that for a job. But I probably will continue to do photography in high school, because it seems like it is an easier class; and also it could be another AP class to have in high school. There is still a possibility though that I will not continue photography if I see a class that interests me more.

This is probably my favorite/best photo I have taken this year.

Getting close

This time, for this project, we had to take pictures of things really close up so you could see all the little details. In order to do this, we had to use the super macro setting on the camera so it would focus on the object when we were up close. What worked pretty well for the project was some what the weather. One of the days it was frosty outside so all the plants had a beautiful frost coat on them. Also another thing that worked well for this project was the location we are in, we had tress, grass, plants, etc all around us. For the most part this is not a new thing to me, I tried doing a similar thing with the camera last year. The most difficult and frustrating thing was getting the camera to focus on the object I wanted it to. Most of the time I would have to hold my position for a while in order to get a good picture/for the camera to focus. Although we had lots of things to take pictures around us, most of it looked the same so it was a tiny bit hard to find something new to take a picture of. Finally, if I could go anywhere to take macro pictures, I would definitely go to a rain forest area. I would go here because of the wide variety of plant life, animals life, and insects.

To view all my photos. go here

Set in the Street

     For this project we took the idea of the album “Set in the Street” by Justin Bettman and combined it with the Kitchen Table album by Carrie Mae Weems. We did the same thing that Justin’s album did and we set up a scene of a kitchen table, but we were really in a school. After we took all our photos, we then edited them to look like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Before we started to use any of the tools, we first had to turn the photos black and white. After we had to use the marquee tool in order to select the lower 2/3’s of the photo. We then inverted the marquee so it would select the top 1/3 of the photo, and once it was selected we had to mess around with the darkness levels of the top of the photos; in order for them to look more like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Finally, if were to take photos of my family in a a place that tells my family’s story, I would take the photos in my moms room. I would take my photos here because this is were my family meets most of the time, this is where we are the most together (for the most part).

To view all my photos click here

Catch The Action

     For this project we had to take 8-10 photos of any sort of action. This doesn’t mean though that the background had to be blurry, but there just had to be some sort of action going on. For these pictures we set the camera to manual mode, so that we could manually adjust the camera to the best settings. The one big thing we had to change was the ISO to 1/800, so that it could capture all the action. To set up most of our shots, we planned out what we were going to do and at what angle the picture was going to be at, in order to get the best photo possible. For many of our photos, we had to take multiple in order to get a good shot. One big thing that helped me capture the action, was to take my photos in a burst so that you have a greater chance of getting a good photo. Finally, if I could be at any sports event to take a photo, personally  I would be at a football game because there is lots of action and opportunities to take good photos.

To view the rest of my photos click here

7 Days

This is my dog River, she is a generally new part to the family so we are just getting used to her. She is a mini bernedoodle and will grow up to about 55lbs, which we are preparing for. I’m am very thankful for being able to take care of a dog like her, because she is so energetic and gives lots of love

This is a picture of my current home. I am very thankful for being able to have a roof over my head, and be there with my family to enjoy it. We have had many treasured and memorable moments here.

My family recently finished building the pool in our backyard, it was long, but worth it. I am very thankful for our pool, because my family has been able to enjoy many memorable moment there so far. It has been a delight so far with our new pool.

I am very thankful for my grandpa because he has supported me during many times in my life, he is a great role model. He is also a great handyman around our house, he is willing to take time out of his day in order to help around the house.

I got this photo of my siblings when we were in Nevada last thanksgiving break. On the topic, I am very thankful for being able to have siblings like mine, in my life. For all my life I have been able to go to my siblings during bad times, and they always know how to cheer me up.
I have been playing piano for about 6 years now, and have loved it most of my life. Just last year my family decided to get a nicer piano, because 4 out of the 5 people in my family had been playing piano by then. I am very thankful for having this great piano, being able to enjoy my music on it, and having it sound even better then our old one.
This is a photo of my mom, one of the most important people in someones life. As you probably know, I am super thankful for her because she has always been there by my side to support me, and has been my guide through life. 

Say cheese

It was a little difficult asking people that we didn’t know if we could take a picture of them, and having to explain the project to them. Some of the changes in the people were completely different when they smiled, then didn’t smile. It looked like they had totally different personalities in each photo. Your bias on something can greatly affect your work as a photographer. If you think a thing of a certain person, you might take the picture a certain way to portray that trait. If I was hired to take photos of someone, I would ask them what they like to do, what there current and dream job is, and to describe themselves in one word.

To see my all my photos and the changes in people, click here.

Light Graffiti

To view all my photos click here

To take the pictures we would change the shutter speed to match what we needed, we used the mode “Bulb” to take our pictures. For the bulb mode you hold down the picture button as long as you want, while all the lights are out. Then you get any light(Doesn’t matter what color,) and draw a picture while the shutter is open. Once the person is done drawing the picture, you then release the picture button to finish the photo. The thing that worked the best was getting the light to show up on the ending results. But it was really hard to draw images, because you just had to assume where the rest of your drawing is. One idea I have to take this to the next level is to try stop motion animation with light graffiti. It could show you gradually coloring in something, or maybe you can draw a picture moving, there is many things you could do with stop motion animation and light graffiti.

Rule of Thirds

During this project it was pretty easy to find thing to include in our rule of thirds photos. It was pretty hard though to find the best possible place for the object to make it a rule of thirds photo. I thought that it was going to be super easy to make rule of thirds photos. After the project I realized that it was a little harder to make rule of thirds photos. To help follow the requirements for a rule of thirds photo, we used a grid to show us all the thirds of the picture. When setting up a shot you had to bring the main object or area, into a third of the photo either horizontally or vertically.

To view all my photos click here

Black Background Portraits

For this project we had to figure out the best lighting possible for out photos, then we had to find a good shutter speed. Then we used Photoshop to help crop and make our photos a little bit darker. It was pretty easy to find the shutter speed that was necessary for the best possible picture. It was a little hard however to get the background darker, and keep the person lighter/find a good contrast.

To see all my photos click here.

White Background Portraits

First in order to take the photos we had to organize all the lighting to make completely white background. Then we would change the shutter speed of the camera to let either less or more light into the picture, in till we got all the pictures with a good amount of lighting. Once we were done we edited our photos a little with Photoshop. We messed with the curves settings to make it so we could edit out the yellowish spots on our photos. Being able to determine the shutter speed probably worked the best for my group, but it was a little difficult to get the best lighting possible.

To view all my portrait photos click here