Black Background Portraits

To take and edit my photos i needed a black background and a light and the lights off. Then we needed to go on photo shop and pick the best picture and edited them to make the background better. It worked to make the lighting face the camera inside of make the lighting face the bored and what didn’t work was using the flash on the camera. photo link: HI


To take the portraits we had to use a white background and I needed to use Photoshop to help make the background whiter. What worked was using good natural lighting and what didn’t work was using a lots of normal lighting. Link Here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment we had to find 2 objects and a person and take 5 pictures of each object from different angles. The challenges were finding a person i can take a picture. Also the person was the hardest because they had to stand still and it was hard for my person. This project helped me learn that you don’t have to use the same angle for every Picture. here

24 Colors

In this assignment we had to use a 24 box of crayons and match it was objects. It was really fun but it got so stressful finding some colors. I went to Micheal with my friend and we spent almost 2 hours finding colors that match the crayons. It was challenging because I would find stuff with the same color but on camera they looked different. Also I kept dropping the crayons and broke a lot of them like I accidentally dropped a box of crayons in a flower pot when I was taking a picture, but luckily I was at Micheal so I just bought a new pack. It was easy to take the pictures and to edit the photo because they didn’t need much editing. Overall, this was a fun project and a good start for this class. HERE