7 Days

I’m so grateful for my soccer team. My soccer team is pretty much my second family. we all are so supported to each other and we work together really well together. I know most of my team mates for 2 years but some i been on the same soccer team scene 1st grade. 

I’m really thankful for apple and there products like I phone. I am normally spending lots of time on my phone and apple products are so advanced in technology that they can do so many things. 

I am really thankful for trees because they produce oxygen which helps us breath. without trees i wouldn’t be able to get fresh oxygen in my lungs. 

I am thankful for my friend Hope because she makes the classes we have together more fun. We have 3 classes together, gym, photography and Spanish. 

I’m thankful for food because without food I would be dead. Also food taste so good. Food also gives me energy to do activity’s like soccer and basketball. 

I’m thankful for Lakelands Park Middle school because it helps me prepare for high school. School also teaches me very important stuff i will need to use in the future. 

finally i’m thankful for my family. My siblings are always there to make a funny joke about each other and my Parents are always supporting me in different activity. 

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