Action Photography

In this project, we had to catch someone or something moving, and take a picture of it. This project was easy for me because there were a lot of objects for me to use, and I was good at making sure that they weren’t blurry when I took them. A tip from me is that you need to be completely still and focus the whole time while taking the picture. I would want to photograph a baseball game in action if I could.

Rest of photos here.

Set In The Street

This project is a project that makes it seem like you are in an enclosed area, when really, you are taking the photo in a public area. The photographer were Jake (Me), Afeef, and Maynor. I used the hue graph to make the top of the photos darker, so it looked like an actual room. If I had a place to tell my family’s story, it would be in the living room, because that’s where we spend most of our time, usually on our phones.

7 Days Project

This is James. James is probably my best friend. He is so funny and so weird at the same time, and I don’t know what I would do without him.
These are my friends. They are the most supportive, ridiculous people I know. They are all the best and they make me so happy. 
This is a picture of me at a meet. I’m thankful for swimming because it has kept me in shape, as well as helping me meet amazing people
This is my family. They are the people that keep my alive, and that keep me sane. My mom is the best mom I could ask for, and my brother is super funny, and is really nice.
The beach is the one place where I feel relaxed, and I can just sit back and have no worries. This is the main reason why the summer is my favorite season. 
This one of my school friends. I’m thankful for all of my friends in school, because they have gotten me through the roughest days, and the worst tests, and have pretty much kept me from going insane.
This is me. I am thankful for myself, because I have helped myself transform into the person I am today. I’ve learned many things and I keep on trying to improve myself every day.

Last Project!

This semester in photography has been one of the best semesters ever. First, we started out just taking photos of crayons and putting a logo on them, and then we started to get more complicated. We started to take picture from certain angles, and editing them with Photoshop to make them black or white, or to crop out part of a picture, etc. my thoughts on photography have completely changed. I thought it was going to be boring and I wouldn’t have any fun, but it ended up being one of my favorite periods of the day. Now, whenever i take photos in real life, I have to make sure it has the right filter and is at the right angle, or I’ll have to take it again. My favorite project was the up close project, because we got to zoom in and take pictures of ordinary things. But when you look up close, they look a lot differently. I don’t think I will pursue photography as a career, but I will definitely continue to take good quality pictures.

This is my favorite picture from this semester.