Light Graffiti

We used a tri-pod to stand the camera up, and we used the bulb setting, so the shutter didn’t close until a certain amount of seconds later, depending on how much time we needed. We tried to use as little time as possible, nut then we couldn’t get our whole design into the picture. This meant that we had to use more time, but then the light didn’t come in as good as it could be. Nothing really frustrated us except for when the light picture didn’t come out the way we wanted it to.

Find all photos here.

Rule of Thirds

One of the things that didn’t work was trying to take pictures of moving objects, because the object would always turn up blurry. This meant that I had to take pictures of inanimate objects, a light pole, or a soccer ball, or a bench, etc. I thought that this project was going to be boring, but it turned out to be really fun. I used the grid on my phone to make sure that the whole object was in one third of the picture. Then I made sure that my phone was still while the picture was taken. 

Find the rest of the pictures here.

Black Background Portraits

In this project, we had to make it look like there was an infinite background of darkness for this portrait. In order to get the right lighting, we had to put the light on the person, not behind the person. One thing that didn’t work was taking the picture far away from the person, because it messed up the lighting. one thing that did work was getting very close to the subject, because it made the focus better, as well as the background. 

Find the rest of the pictures here.

Portrait Photos

The first step was to take pictures of everyone in front of the background. This was very easy, except for where to put the lighting for the picture. next, we went to Photoshop to make the background look as light as possible, without getting rid of the person in the picture. What didn’t work was the graph. At first we didn’t know how to use it correctly, but then we figured it out and it was pretty easy from there. 

You can see the rest of the pictures here.