About: 428335


Posts by 428335:

  • In this project, I had to change my camera settings to bulb mode. This means that as long as I am holding down the shutter button, the photo is being taken. So I could be taking a photo for 30 minutes if I wanted to. This let me capture the whole photo and not have...

  • For this project, we had to “play” with Legos. This means that the subject of our photos was the Legos. I had to have the surroundings of the Legos to scale with the Legos. This means that it was not a Lego in a big world, it was a Lego in a small world, his...

  • During this project, I had to “Get Close” to my objects. This means we had to be about 1-3 inches away from our objects. We had to find different angles to find the exact spot we wanted our photo to look like. Some things that worked well for this project were that I had the...

  • In this project we had to take photos with our object in motion. An easy way to do this was having a person jump and taking the photo while they are in the air. To take the photo, I used “Burst Mode” which means I held the photo button down so it takes about 10-20...

  • This project was pretty easy for me. We had to use a person or an object and take a picture of them, while another object is framing them. For example, you could use a door frame and have a person inside the door frame. The door would be framing the person. The composition of this...

  • This project was rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is when you take a photo, the object that first catches your eye is on one of the lines on the grid or one of the points. It is not supposed to be in the center! For me, it was easy to find the line for...

  • This project was the hardest for me so far. We had to change our camera settings to manual so we choose everything. For this project, we had to change the Shutter Speed and ISO. Shutter Speed is how long the camera is taking the picture. You will know how long it is because it will...

  • For this project, I had to find one object and find five different angles for each object. For example, one would be on the ground and another would be six feet from the ground. I had to do this for 3 objects so, a total of fifteen photos. A challenge during this project was finding...

  • This assignment was to go around the school to find colors that match the colors of the crayons in our box. Some challenges of the project was finding every single color. A lot of the colors were hard to find, such as apricot, but in the end, I found them all. The easy part, however,...

  • I get my photos for presentations, projects in school, etc. from Google. I do not contact the owner of the photo nor do I give credit to the owner because they will never see it anyway. On the same note, I would not expect people to give me credit or contact me because I do...