Last Project

During this semester we did a lot of different projects and I learned more about photography. Now that I know more about photography my thoughts about it have changed. Also I have changed the way I take photos because now I know the correct way to take pictures and make them look good. My favorite project was the scavenger hunt because I had a lot of fun looking for everything and taking pictures. I like photography but I don’t think I would do it as a career or continue it next year. This is because i’m not very good at photography.

Getting Close

For this project we had to take close up pictures of an object. What worked well was when I put the object behind a solid background which helped my phone focus better. It was challenging to take a close up picture that wasn’t blurry and looked good. I would like to take a close up picture the snow because I think that would be a cool picture. See the rest of my pictures here.

Set in The Street

For this project we had to create a scene that would be at a kitchen table. This project is inspired by Justin Bettman who built sets in the street and took pictures of people in it. This project was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who created different scenes at a kitchen table. In photoshop I used the feather tool to create the look of the kitchen light. If I could chose a place to take a picture of my family I would chose the kitchen table because we are always there either doing homework or eating dinner. See the rest of my pictures here.