7 Days

I am thankful for my phone because I use it a lot. I also have lots of pictures on it and memories. Without my phone I wouldn’t be able to talk to my family who lives far away. I am also thankful for it because I am able to talk to my friends when i’m not with them. 

I am very thankful for my dog Logan. I am thankful for him because I have had him since I was 2 and have a lot of memories with him. Also I love taking him for walks and playing with him. 

I am thankful for New Smyrna Beach Florida. I am thankful for New Smyrna because my grandparents, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins live there. I go to New Smyrna a lot and have a lot of fun memories from there. 

I am thankful for lacrosse. I am thankful for lacrosse because it is one of my favorite sports and I love playing it. I have been playing for 4 years and have made so many new friends and memories from it. 

I am very thankful for field hockey. Field hockey is another one of my favorite sports. Even though I haven’t been playing for very long I still really enjoy playing field hockey.  

The next thing I am thankful for is my sister, Annabelle. My sister and I are only 3 years apart so we are really close. I love spending time with her and we always have a lot of fun together. 

Lastly I am thankful for my parents. My parents love and support me no matter what. I am very thankful for them and dont know what I would do without them 

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