24 Colors

For the 24 colors project we needed to find things that the color of the crayon matched. We had to find something that matched the color of all 24 crayons in the box which was hard to do but it was a lot of fun. It was challenging to match the color of the crayons to different objects. One thing that was easy was taking the picture of the crayon. It was also easy to place the crayons on the objects to take pictures of them. Click here to see the rest of my pictures.

My Logo

I get my photos online, I usually get them from google. No, I do not contact the owner of the photo because, it would take a long time to contact them. I would expect someone to give me credit for the photo and not say it is their picture. My logo is a circle like a camera lenz with my first and last initials in white. It was difficult to come up with a design that would look good on any picture with any color for a background. It was easy to make my logo because I have used fireworks before.