How to Post

Below are the steps for getting your posts published to your website.

  1.  Log in to
  2. Click “My Sites” at the top of the screen
  3. Click on “Dashboard” for your site
  4. Click “Media” on the left side of your screen
  5. Add the media/pictures you need for your post, wait for them to upload
  6. Click Posts/Add New
  7. Title your post
  8. Write the answers to the project prompts in paragraph form
  9. At the top of the screen click on the “Add Block” logo (+)
  10. Click “Image>Media Library>”
  11. Select your photos
  12. Look for “Document” on the right hand side of the screen
  13. Click “Category>Add New”
  14. Enter the category given to you in the project post
  15. Click “Add New Category”
  16. Check your work
  17. Click “PUBLISH”
  18. You’re done!