Author: Griffin

Getting Close

Getting Close

My project this week was to take photos of objects close up (this is called macro photos). It gives you a new prospective as you take photos up close. For this project I had to make sure that the photo was focused so if it was getting fuzzy I adjusted the angle I was taking it in or the brightness. The challenging part of this project was making sure the photos weren’t unfocused and finding alive subjects to take photos of. If I had the equipment I wouldn’t want to take photos up close because it seems difficult.

You can my photos here

Set In the Streets

Set In the Streets

 For this project we had to take pictures revolving around a kitchen table and what we do there.Each picture has to be something, have a story. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Too edit this photo in Photoshop I used the crop tool, B&W, Curves, and the marquee tool. If I had a place to tell my families story I would take my photos in the living room because that’s mostly where we are and it’s are “living” room. Many things have happened in that room. We would see two kids growing, two different dogs, a one mom, there would be many happy and sad memories.

You can find the rest of my photos here.

Things in Motion

Things in Motion

This project involved taking photos of a moving person or thing.Some tips if you are using a phone is to take burst photos and focus on where the thing will be.If you are using a camera you just have to be precise.If I could photograph a sport I would photograph soccer or football because I love both sports and with both sports you could take some really cool photos.
Overall it might take you a few tries to get it right.

To find other photos click this link



During Thanksgiving we all say what we’re thankful for.This break instead of just saying what I’m thankful for I’ll show it. I took 7 photos of everything I’m thankful for.

This is my dog, He’s named Spot. I’m thankful for him because he always makes me feel better when I’m sad even though he doesn’t know it. My dog also teaches me about responsibility. Without him I wouldn’t be the same.

One thing everyone needs in life is food.Food often goes under appreciated and I think it deserves thanks. That is what this fridge represents.

Out of all of the things I’m thankful for my family is number 1. No matter how annoying my sister’s singing gets or the cheesiness of my dad’s jokes I will always love them. My mom keeps me responsible, my dad keeps me working, and my sister keeps me in competition but all of them keep me happy.

Something I really would like to thank is my bed. My bed keeps me comfy day and night, summer and winter. In seriousness I’m thankful for shelter and the roof over my head.
I’m thankful for football because it’s something I love watching. My two favorite teams are the Vikings and Seahawks.
This.. interesting photo shows that I’m thankful for soccer. It’s a sport I love to play for fun and seriously.
The last thing I’m thankful for is education. Even though it might not be my favorite thing in life it teaches me new things every day.

Smile Project

Smile Project

For this project I had to take 2 photos of 15 people smiling and not smiling. One hard thing was getting the people to let you take pictures of them because when you ask to take 2 pictures of a complete stranger of course it’s going to be weird and awkward. During the project I saw some things change like when I changed how I asked questions people started saying yes. If I saw someone really big and towering looking I like many others might hesitate to ask for their picture because of initial judgement.That’s how bias affects not just photographers but a lot of people with bias. Every time  someone allows you to take photos of them you must be polite and respectful, make sure they will allow you too.

Too look at the photos I took go to this link

Rule Of Thirds

Rule Of Thirds

For this project what was best was to take pictures of inanimate objects because they were much easier to take pictures of and focus on. What didn’t work was taking pictures just straight up as it was hard to focus on them and it didn’t work to well with the rule of thirds. At the beginning of the projects I believed that taking pictures inside and head-on was best. The rule of thirds project helped me set up and take photos differently then before

You can see other photos here

Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

My group took our photos with an ISO 80, and a shutter speed up 30 seconds.First thing we did was figure out what pose/photo we were taking, then deciding who was posing and who was drawing him.Secondly was taking the actual photo and drawing with the light.What worked in the project was after we finished drawing we shined the light on the person so you could see them in the photo, also we shined the light at the camera while we were drawing so it could see the light.However while you were drawing the light you couldn’t see it and it didn’t come out in final photo.I was frustrated while using a specific light because it was right handed however didn’t know. If you wanted to advance the project you could make a movie while using the light.

You can see the other photos here

Black Background

Black Background

For this project we had to change the ISO,F-stop, and shutter speed in order to make it look like there was nothing behind us. To get our photos we had an ISO of 80 ,F-stop of 3, and a 30 shutter speed. Something we had trouble with was using light to help, the light made the person’s shadow more visible as my group opted not to use it at all. Check out our other attempts here

Portraits With an Infinite Background

Portraits With an Infinite Background

In this project you had to make it look like there is no background by editing F-stop,IOS, and shutter speed.For this project to get a good picture you had to shine light behind the person so there wasn’t a shadow. We had to be careful because if we had too much or too little F-stop, shutter speed, and IOS there would either be too much light or too little. You can see some other photos here

1 Object 5 Shots

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I was tasked with taking one object and taking 5 pictures of it from different angles. However there were some problems  were, taking the last few angles as it was hard to think of more angles to shoot from. The most difficult object to take pictures of was the sharpener because it was attached to the wall and I couldn’t get any pictures from behind it because of that.This project helped me find other angles to take pictures from. You can see my photos here