Month: December 2018

Set In the Streets

Set In the Streets

 For this project we had to take pictures revolving around a kitchen table and what we do there.Each picture has to be something, have a story. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Too edit this photo in Photoshop I used the crop tool, B&W, Curves, and the marquee tool. If I had a place to tell my families story I would take my photos in the living room because that’s mostly where we are and it’s are “living” room. Many things have happened in that room. We would see two kids growing, two different dogs, a one mom, there would be many happy and sad memories.

You can find the rest of my photos here.

Things in Motion

Things in Motion

This project involved taking photos of a moving person or thing.Some tips if you are using a phone is to take burst photos and focus on where the thing will be.If you are using a camera you just have to be precise.If I could photograph a sport I would photograph soccer or football because I love both sports and with both sports you could take some really cool photos.
Overall it might take you a few tries to get it right.

To find other photos click this link