Light Graffiti

In this project, we had to take pictures in the dark while having people color in the image with different colored lights. To take these pictures, we first had to put the camera in manual mode and color in our main subject. we did so by shining a light on the person in the image. Next you would have to keep the shutter open on the camera while the other group members colored in the picture. Once you were finished drawing in all the colors, you could close the shutter. It was tough to get the pictures perfect. When coloring in the image, you had to be very careful about when you shine your light. Many times we accidentally showed our light and it messed up the entire image. This was the most frustrating part of this project. Eventually we realized that we had to plan our images before hand and switch colors outside of the camera view. To take this project to the next level, we could position our camera farther away from our subject so it has a wider view. This way, we could make much larger and detailed scenes in our photos Here is all my images. Below is my favorite photo.

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