7 Days

I am thankful for how much thought and effort my family puts into the holidays and decorations in general. My mom always has everything prepared, and my parents always lead us when setting up decorations, like when we set up our Christmas tree.
I am thankful that my parents can afford a good, large house, with good furniture and other necessities. We have many rooms for any activity we want to do. Our house is also very secure, and I always fell safe when sleeping at night.
I am thankful for the cars that my parents own. My mom takes me to school every morning so that I don’t have to ride the bus, which is always OVERFLOWING in the mornings. My parents are also always able to take us to soccer or swimming or gymnastics or basketball practice. We also go to DC whenever we want on weekends because of these cars. I am also thankful for my after-school bus, which is NOT overflowing, most of the time.
I am thankful for the services my neighborhood provides, like basketball and tennis courts. These courts are free to go to any time someone wants to practice their shooting or tennis. There are also small fields for us to run around, or play soccer. My neighborhood also has a lot of parks, which are a way to find our friends when we are outside, and there are also so many playground games we can play.
I am thankful for the scenery in my community, and, even in winter, the ponds are always a nice place to come to and have lunch or a snack, or just to take some pictures. 
I am thankful for my community. My community is safe and secure, so when I go out, I don’t have to worry about anybody kidnapping me, and I can almost always find one of my friends outside.
I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that my friends support me and each other. They help me with my school/homework when I ask, and I help them when they ask me.

Smile Project

Getting the pictures and having to talk to 15 strangers was difficult. I see how intimidating people can be when they are not smiling. You might be intimidated or scared when trying to photograph strangers. You could ask what their favorite color or animal is. See the photos here

Rule of Thirds

Going outside provided a lot of opportunities, but sometimes it was hard to find people to be in the photos. Originally I thought I would be very bad at this project, but I think I did pretty good. I used the lower line of the three a lot of the time, along with the other lines on the side.