Final Post

I loved doing photography this semester because it is a type of art that I have not ever really tried doing until now, and I realized it was really fun! The projects that we did were really fun, and at the same time educational, because we learned about the rule of thirds, up close photography, how to make it black and white, how to change the contrast, and how to get different angles. My thoughts have changed on photography, because before, I thought it was boring to take pictures since I didn’t know different techniques on how to take them, but now it’s almost impossible not to think of one!

My favorite project from this semester was the Light Graffiti project. I loved this project because it was really cool how we turned the lights off and drew in the air with flashlights/colorful lights. My group made really cool angel wings and a halo on someone that was standing in front of the camera. We also wrote out the letter of LPMS in different colors, and in my opinion it came out really well.

When I grow up, I want to be a Wildlife Veterinarian Rehabilitator, but being photographer and taking pictures of animals in the wild doesn’t sound bad at all. I will definitely continue to learn photography and I will definitely take it next year in high school because this semester was really really fun, and I am going to miss having this class so much! Thank you Mr. Fitz!

Up Close

In this project, we had to take 10 pictures thing up close. 5 pictures of living things and 5 pictures of non-living things. It was easy to find things to take pictures of, but when we had to take the pictures, we had to find the perfect angle and the perfect distance away from the object to get an up close image with good quality. There weren’t any challenges and it wasn’t hard to find things to take pictures of, but I did try something new in this project by really trying to get pictures up close. If I had all the equipment I needed and all the time in the world, I would love to get out in nature and take close up pictures of all kinds of animals, like foxes and seals. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

Set in the Street

In this project, my sister and I had to take pictures at our kitchen table, and we had to tell a story using props.  We did this project with goals to replicate Carrier May Weems. Carrie May Weems took pictures at her kitchen table reviving important memories that happened there. We also tried to replicate Justin Bettman and his pictures that he took. Justin took pictures by having a set in the street, but when he took a picture, it was like they were inside a house.

 After we took our pictures, we used Photoshop to make it look more realistic and we made the picture black and white. First, we had to use the elliptical marque tool to select the space we want to modify. Then, we modify it and feather it o we can change the lighting in specific places to make it look like the light from the lamp is realistic.  Finally, we use the curve layer to change the lighting of the lamp. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose Krispy Kreme, because after every doctors appointment one of our family members have, we always go to Krispy Kremes together, and we don’t think about the bad things, we just have a good time while eating the most delicious thing in the world. Donuts. You can see the rest of my photos HERE.

Eating Breakfast


We did a project called Action. We had to take pictures of things in motion. Some things that we had to do was make sure our background was pretty, and not invaded with other people. We had to make sure there was enough natural light for our pictures to be bright enough. We had to change the shutter speed so it would capture the moment of the action, and we had to change the ISO so it would be very light sensitive.  A tip I have for someone doing this would be to keep taking pictures until you get the right one instead of sticking with an OK picture. If I could, I would take motion pictures of figure skating, because they can do so many tricks on the ice and it looks really cool. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.


7 Days

I am thankful for my cousins Phenon(left) and Rowan(right) because when they are with me, we always have a boatload of fun and we have a great time.  They are fun to be with, because Phenon goes to the University of the Arts, which is a college for acting, so she is super expressive, and it’s fun to watch her pose for pictures.
I am thankful for food because I would starve to death if there wasn’t any. Also, I like how there are different varieties of food you can try and make. It is very important to be grateful for food because there are some people who don’t have any and they have to live without having the experience of eating good food.
I am thankful for books because when I read them, it transports me to another world, and I don’t have to worry about anything happening in the real world. I love books a lot because there are so many different types of books, that it’s a new experience every time you open one up and start reading.
I am thankful for music because whenever I listen to music, it always makes me feel happy inside. I sing in a choir at my church, and it always makes me happy when I get to sing or listen to the music being played on the piano. I also know how to play the guitar and piano, so when I get a song just right, I feel really good inside.
I am thankful for nature because it makes the world super pretty, and it always adds an extra touch to everything.Nature is also really fun to be around because you can see new things in the smallest of cracks, and you can have new experiences everyday.
I am thankful for my fish because it reminds me to be thankful for not having severe allergies. My dad is allergic to every animal with fur, so we can’t have a dog or cat as a pet. This fish reminds me that I need to be grateful that I will be able to have a dog or cat as a pet instead of a fish.
I am thankful for my religion because it’s like a part of me, and everybody isn’t the same religion, so we can all be unique in expressing ourselves with our religion. I also like my religion because I think it is important to have one so you can be a part of a community not everybody is in.

The Smile Project

This project is called the smile project. We had to take pictures of 15 different people, one picture of them smiling and one picture without a smile. Something that was difficult was placing them in the right spot for the picture, because we needed good light, and we needed to incorporate the rule of thirds. Also, sometimes it was hard asking for the pictures. Some changes I saw in the pictures were how relaxed their faces were when they weren’t smiling, and then how exited they looked when they did smile. Bias could affect being a photographer because you don’t want to offend the person by taking their picture differently than someone else because of where they are from or because of what job they have. When you take a picture of someone, a way of taking “fair” photos is by asking the person where they want to stand or how they want their pictures taken. You can see my pictures HERE

Light Graffiti

To take the pictures, the shutter speed is very slow, so it can absorb the light, and it gives us time to work. The IOS is 100 so it isn’t light sensitive, and also so we can just capture the light we want to get. It worked when we traced over the drawing with the light a couple of times, and it also worked when we had more than one person working on the drawing.  Some frustrations were when we would have a drawing that was good, but the time on the camera was to little, so it didn’t capture part of the drawing. Some ideas for this project is that we can draw with the light near the camera lens, and it could look like something was on the lens, like a bug, or the lens looked broken. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.


My group and I had to stand in front of a white sheet of paper, and we had to shine a light on the background. It worked when we were shining the light on the background, but it didn’t work when we were shining the light on the person. We also had to try to get the light to shine everywhere instead of just one place. Our shutter speed was open for a longer period of time, because we had to let a lot of light come in. The ISO is the sensitivity to the light. We edited our pictures in Photoshop to make sure our pictures had a background that looked like nothing. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

5 Shots

We had to take pictures of 3 objects, but each with 5 angles. The challenges of this was trying to find a 5th angle, because I would get 4, but would have to think about the 5. Also, it was hard getting pictures from the bottom. The hardest object to photograph was the grass, because it was hard getting on the ground and getting quality pictures. This project helped me understand that there are different angles than the common facing forward.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

In this project, I had to take 24 pictures of 24 different colored crayons that matched the objects around me. Some challenges of this project if finding the exact color, knowing which angle was best, when and if I want flash, and reaching things that are in high spots or corners. Sometimes, the picture would come out weird if I was taking it next to a window or when I was taking it with a background that was farther away. What I thought was easy was finding things I wanted to take a picture of, and I got ideas easily. I really liked this project because it was really fun and challenging.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.