5 Shots

We had to take pictures of 3 objects, but each with 5 angles. The challenges of this was trying to find a 5th angle, because I would get 4, but would have to think about the 5. Also, it was hard getting pictures from the bottom. The hardest object to photograph was the grass, because it was hard getting on the ground and getting quality pictures. This project helped me understand that there are different angles than the common facing forward.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

In this project, I had to take 24 pictures of 24 different colored crayons that matched the objects around me. Some challenges of this project if finding the exact color, knowing which angle was best, when and if I want flash, and reaching things that are in high spots or corners. Sometimes, the picture would come out weird if I was taking it next to a window or when I was taking it with a background that was farther away. What I thought was easy was finding things I wanted to take a picture of, and I got ideas easily. I really liked this project because it was really fun and challenging.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.