7 Days

This project requires us to take 7 photos of 7 days of what we are thankful for. The hard part was figuring out what I was thankful for and the easy part was finding the right photos to take. I am first, thankful for friends who help me through everything no matter what. My friends come first and I tell them anything that annoys me, makes me sad, or happy. They’ve been with me all my life and I am thankful for them. I’m also thankful for my parents who’s actually been there for my whole life, supporting me, helping me, and providing shelter, food, and other needs for me. I’m thankful for my siblings, my two sisters who have helped me with numerous things such as homework, sports, and relating with me about our parents. Although they’re in college, they still visit and makes me happy to see them home. I’m thankful for soccer to exist in the world since soccer is my favorite sport and it’s the sport to keep me healthy by constantly running everyday and trying new tricks. I’m thankful for coffee which keeps me going and awake when I really need it. Coffee also tastes amazing and I just love the taste of it. I’m thankful for food which helps me literally survive. I’ve never been more satisfied in my life when I’m eating food since it helps me not starve. I’m thankful for music even though I really can’t sing, there’s so many types and genres of music I can relate to and helps me cope with feelings or stress. Music hypes me up and gets me in a good mood.

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