7 days

I am thankful for living in the united states because not a lot of people have this previlleg. I’m thankful for this also because i get to travel the world with my family to get to see all my family. In other states not all people can’t come to see parts of the world. Also i get to have a better life by driving, having a good job going to school and more. This is why i’m thankful.

For my project I took picture of what i’m thankful for.This picture is showing me how my family are close and that we love each other.This picture also shows that I’m  thankful for my family because they are always there when I need them. Also In this picture family look really serious and there not at all. This is why I am thankful for my family.   

For my Project i had to take picture of what i am thankful for. I am thankful for my friends because they are there when i’m not well. They are there when my teacher is being wierd or annoying. If i’m having a bad day my best friends are there to cheer me up.My friends make me laugh. This is why i’m thankful.

I am thankful for my teacher because they teach me that they are mean. My teachers teach me how to do math, write paragraph, science, and more. One of my favorite teacher is Mr. fitz even if he makes me cry and annoyed he’s chill. Another one of my favorite class is math i don’t really get it sometimes but i like learning it.This is why i’m thankful for my teacher.

I am thankful for food because I eat so good and I know that somewhere in the world a child is suffering and does not have what I have. I’m thankful For when my dad cooks pollo con tajadas or my mom makes bean soup. Also thankful for the food that my family is able to get/ buy.

I am thankful for my house that i live in because i have a place to go at night. I’m also thankful for this because i don’t have to live outside in the cold. I thankful for having my room and night light to sleep in. I thankful that i am able to have a stove in the living room. This is why i’m thankful.

I am thankful for having my sister because i can tell here anything. When i’m sad she make me laugh. When i mad she makes me more mad. When i am not having a good day she makes me food. This is why i’m thankful for my sister.

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