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Honestly we did a decent amount this semester. But I enjoyed a lot of it. Even though there were times were I just didn’t wanna take photos and just sit and sleep. But most of the time I really liked taking the pictures that I took. I’ve always liked photography so it honestly just make me like it more and actually have motivation to take more pictures. I’ve kinda learned how to use that big brick of a camera. But I haven’t really changed on how I take pictures. My favorite project had be up close cause I had got a lot of really good pictures from that. I mean photography always had me interested to make it a career for me. Of course I am gonna keep going with photography throughout high school. Here is my favorite picture I have taken.

Getting Close

We had to use macro on our cameras to take photos really close of dead and alive things. Things that worked for on this project was taking pictures of plants out when the sun was out so I didn’t have to mess with the lighting. What didn’t was trying to take a picture of under a plant. If I had the equipment to take a picture up close it would be a waterfall cause i would want to see the water drops coming off of it. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Set In the Streets

We need to take a picture of us doing something at a table and with a light above us. We got this idea from Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems

In photo shop we used the marquee tool to give the picture the little darker part of the picture. then we also turned it black and white. If I had to choose a place it would be the couch and we would all be watching something cause we always used to watch shows. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Catch The Action

In this project we had to take pictures in motion and make sure the pictures were clear and not blurry and you can tell it was in motion. What I did to make it work was take pictures a second early so could get the ball where I wanted and tried places with the best lighting. a sport I wish I could’ve taken was football or baseball. You can see the rest of my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In my assignment I had to take five shots of 3 different objects without moving them from different views of that object. A challenge that I faced with this assignment was founding a good views for the object. My hardest object to photograph was the fridge cause I had to climb around the fridge to get good shots as well it was against the wall so I lost a view for the photo. It help see that you can get better pictures if you change the view  of where the camera is. 

You can see the rest off my photos here.