Set in the Street

In this project, we had to create a scene in the middle of anywhere and takes photos. My class created a dining room scene in the lobby of our school. The point of our project was to take a picture as if you were in the location, but then you would take a photo zoomed out so the people who were looking at the photos could see the actual location. This scene was inspired by Carrie Mae Weems, who is famous for her vignette looking photos that are taken in her dining room. We also were inspired by the location of the photos of Justin Bettman who would set up a scene in a street and take the pictures, the pictures would look as if they were at that location being portrayed and not in the street. I used many things to edit my photos such as making the top of the photo darker just like Carrie Mae Weems. I first turned the photo black and white give the vingette feel, then I zoomed out used the elliptical marquee to circle the top of the phot to make it darker. Then I went to modify and changed the feather to 225, then in modify I hit the inverse button. After that I clicked the graph button and dragged the line until the top of the photo was dark enough. I would tell my family stories at our kitchen table, because that protrays our life the best way I could think of. You could see half of my family eating dinner because we are just super busy, or you could see my grandparents and I play cards together, etc. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here. 

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