Category: Period 7



For this project the had to frame a person or object by using other objects to create a focal point in the picture. The reason I liked this project is because of how it is able to create such a cool picture. One of the things that I challenging about this project is finding a spot where you can get good lighting and a good frame. Overall I really enjoyed this project and I liked the picture’s I took

Click here to see my photos

White background

White background

In this project, me and my group had to stand in front of a white backdrop and shine a light on each other. we had to make so the background would disappear or become inadvisable. I felt it was hard to get the right picture because I kept messing up and moving the camera.

Click here to see my photos.

Black background

Black background

When I was doing this assignment, me and my group had to adjust the ISO on the camera to make it look like an infinite background. We had to make the ISO lower so it looked darker, then when i was editing, I used the brightness to make me and my group look brighter but still have the background darker. The ISO had a very big arrect on the photo. But while we were taking the photos it was kinda hard to see our faces and we needed more photos too.

click here to see my photos

I object, 5 shots

I object, 5 shots

For this project we had to take pictures of 3 different objects and one of them had to be a person. We had to take 5 pictures from 5 different angles, and you had to do that for every object you used. One thing that was hard was finding 5 different angles for each picture. For me the hardest thing to find was the person because everybody kept moving.This project helped me learn how to take better pictures of people and objects and it helped me learn the different angles of different things.

Click here to see my pictures.

24 Colors

24 Colors

In this assignment I had to go around the school taking pictures of crayons and matching color backgrounds. This project was easy the only challenge was finding like lime like colors on the school, weird colors like that. Working with a partner was very helpful. My Favorite picture was the one with my vans and a shoe lace we found on the turf.

Click here to see my photos.