Last Project!!

Overall this semester has been really fun and i enjoyed it a lot. No my thoughts on photography have not changed i still think it is really fun and cool. Yes now the way i take photos i will change the settings and try to find better angels. My favorite project was the close up objects. This was my favorite project because it showed how things really look up close and the textures. Yes it does interest me because you can see any things from a single photo. No i don’t think i will continue photography in high school because of soccer and i’m not the best at it.

Close Up

In this project we were told to take 10 photos including living and not living things.The thing that worked well for me in this project was finding new angels. The new thing i tried was using the app VSCO. The thing that was chalenging for me was trying to make sure your picture was not blurry because of how close up you are. If i had the time i would want to take close up pictures of plants. I would want to take pictures of them because they are very interesting and when you look up close to them you can see all the different textures and colors. you can see more of my photos here

Set In the Street

In this project we were told to take a picture zoomed in and then zoomed out.”Set in the Street” by justin bertman because photots were set in the street.This project was also inspired by carrie mae weems and was based off of her “kitchen table” project. In in Photoshop we used black and white effect and the curve effect to make the shadow. I would take my picture of my family in the car because we are always there together.


The thing that was most difficult on this project was actually having the courage to ask a stranger to take there photo. The changes I see is how in general you look at a person and what you think about them.Bias could affect your job as a photographer because you can see the person as a different person they truly are and that changes the whole photo. The questions I would ask my client include, what do you do for a living? And what is your best side? And lastly what do you want from these photos? You can see my photos here.

Light Graffiti

In order to take the pictures in this project we had to go in a dark room with the camera set up on a tripod to that there was no motion whatsoever . The camera lens had to be open for about 10-15 seconds so that it could absorb all of the light. The part that worked was figuring out the camera settings but the part that was the most difficult was getting the design correct. It was really frustrating when we ran out of time to finish the drawing. You can see more of my photos here.

Rule of Thirds

In this project many things worked and many things did not work for example finding the best angle did not work all the time but lining up the object to rule of thirds was really easy and worked. My thoughts on rule of third changed because I used to think it did not matter where the object was but now I think it does matter a lot more because it changes the way you look at something.Down below you can see an example of rule of thirds. Also you can click here to see more.


To take these photos and make them good we had to change the shutter speed on the camera and change the ISO. In order to make the photos good with editing we had to crop out any brown or yellow photos and at the bottom we had to add our logo. The thing that worked in our project is that we didn’t have any yellow corners in our photo because the setting were good. The thing that didn’t work was that my group and I were very confused with the shutter speed and the ISO level.

24 Colors

The assignment of this project is to get a box of 24 crayons and for each crayon find the same color “background” and take a clean and good photo. The challenges of this project was finding every crayons same color “background” or the same color object. The thing that I found to be the easiest was finding a way for the crayon the be “on the background or object to take the picture. You can see some of my photos here.