7 Days

day 1- I am beyond thankful for my dog, Cj for many reasons, including that he is always happy to see my family and me when the worst times come

day 2- i am thankful for my other dog. Dakota because she loves to cuddle with me and shes my running buddy

day 3- I am beyond thankful for my older sister for many reasons including she helps me with many issues i might have

day 4- i am thankful for my friends that help me in and out of school

day 5- i am thankful for lizzie because she has been by my side since day 1 and she gives really good advice

day 6- I am thankful for my guy bffs because they know how to cheer me up when i’m down

day 7- i am thankful for my other friends because they are always by my side no matter what


The thing that was most difficult on this project was actually having the courage to ask a stranger to take there photo. The changes I see is how in general you look at a person and what you think about them.Bias could affect your job as a photographer because you can see the person as a different person they truly are and that changes the whole photo. The questions I would ask my client include, what do you do for a living? And what is your best side? And lastly what do you want from these photos? You can see my photos here.