Black background


The first thing we need a dark place so we turned off all the light. Then we messed with the ISO and Shutter Speed to make sure  little to no light could come into the photo. Then we needed three people one for the camera one in the photo and one to hold the light. The things that worked where flashing the light far away for the people. The thing that did not work was holding the light right to his face.

Here are the photo


5 Shots

For this project we needed to take five different shot with one object . We need to do that three times . The challenging part of the project is the human. It was challenging because it was hard to find the five angles because you can’t take a picture under the person easily and also you can take a picture inside the person. It help us take picture in different angles .


24 Colors

For this project  we need to find a matching color to a crayon. We need to find 24 colors. The challenge of the project was to find colors like purples and orange and find a way to place the crayon. The easy part is the colors like blue and gray.


My Photos