Set in the Street

Set in the Street

In this assignment, we had to take photos in a set. We had to come up with ideas on our photos, like the mood and the props we would be using. Also, we had to take one last photo of the set zoomed out so you can see where it was actually taken from. The photographers that inspired us for these photos were Justin Bettman, because he put sets in public places. Also, Carrie Mae Weems because we also used a kitchen table for the set and the lighting is inspired be her. The photo shop tools I used was an elliptical marquee tool which gave me the area that I needed to edit. I also used the curve tool because it made the area of the photo darker to resemble a lamp. I would choose to take my photos in Iceland because my family has always wanted to go there. You would see happy, sad, and excited photos.

You can see the rest of my photos here.

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