About: 449758

im pretty kool

Posts by 449758:

  • Final Project

    I had a good and fun semester thanks to this class. I have always liked photography but not thought about it much. I think I learned to take better in photos and I have definitely changed the angle I take pictures. My favorite project might have been the smile because it was fun to ask...

  • Macro Photography

    For this project we had to take macro photography pictures. To do so we all had to use special apps/ cameras. Macro photography is taking pictures very close to show depth/defined detail. It was challenging to get the camera to focus because it was so close up, although it was very easy to take pictures...

  • Set In Street

    In this project we had to do things that wouldn’t really be done in other environment such as the street. This project is inspired by Carrie Mae Weems, you can see her pictures here http://carriemaeweems.net/bio.html  To edit my photos I used Instagram’s vignette tool. If I had a place to tell my family story I...

  • Action Photos

    For this project we had to take pictures of people/things in action. Action could be caught in many ways but it was important for it to be caught while the picture is still visible to the viewer. The pictures shouldn’t have been hard to take if you knew what you were looking for. To take...

  • 7 Days

    Day one: This picture is of my dog Bella. I am thankful for her because she brings be a lot of happiness, and is my best friend.  Day two: This picture shows my family’s Christmas tree. I am thankful for my tree because it brings my family together to celebrate the holidays.  Day three: This...

  • Smile Project

    It was difficult too give people the directions because they would want too do something else. I see them a lot happier and warmer when they are smiling then when they are serious. They look mysterious when theirs no emotion.  It depends on how you take the picture, you could make someone look happy or...

  • Light Graffiti

    My group took our pictures by taking our lights (Phone or mini light) and putting them in various formations. We set up the camera and kept it opened for 15 seconds. I took this picture by making lots of dots and lines. It worked vary well to have many people working at once to achieve...

  • Rule of thirds


  • Black background

    For this project we did black background. To do that we had to stand in front of a black background then position the lights a certain way to prevent shadows.It was easy to found which potions made shadows, like doing peace signs. It was hard to find where the lights would shine. ...

  • White Background

    For this project we did a infinite background. To do that we got behind the white background then we angled the light so there is no shadow showing. After we took the camera and took the picture.It worked well to use the white light, the yellow light created shadows and yellow edges. It was hard...