7 Days

Day one: This picture is of my dog Bella. I am thankful for her because she brings be a lot of happiness, and is my best friend. 

Day two: This picture shows my family’s Christmas tree. I am thankful for my tree because it brings my family together to celebrate the holidays. 

Day three: This picture is my chalkboard wall at the end of my stairs to the basement. I’m extremely thankful for it because it leaves a memory of everyone who comes to my basement. 

Day four: This picture is my lacrosse sticks. I am very thankful for them because without them I wouldn’t be able to play. Lacrosse is such a fun and amazing sport.

Day five: This is a picture of me and some of my closest friends. I love them all so much and am so thankful to share my life with them. 

Day six: This is a picture of my mom and I. I am very thankful for my mom because she has taught me so much great things and been such a good friend.

Day seven: This is a picture of me and my very close family friend. I am thankful for her because I know that even if we don’t see each other for months we will continue to be great friends.

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