Month: May 2019

Close up

In this project you had to find an object and get close up to it in order to take a picture of all of the details in the object. What i found difficult about this project was making sure that the picture was not blurry. I learned that you...
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Close Up

I this project you had to take a picture of an object to see all of the small details in it. What i found difficult during this project was making sure the picture was focused and not blurry. I learned that you have to have lots of patience while...
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Light Graffiti

In this project we went into a dark room and used different color lights to make different shapes while taking a picture. What i found difficult during this project was making sure the lights we in the right position. What i learned is that you have to have lots...
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lego figures

I this project you had to make a story using lego figures. The hard part about this project was getting the lego in certain positions to get the right photo. What i learned is that you can make any story you want come to life through pictures. What i...
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