Last Project!

This whole semester had its ups and downs. Some projects were easier than other and overall I had fun in this class with my friends. My thoughts about photography have changed because I now know that certain apps can transform my camera into a somewhat professional camera. My favorite project was the action photos. It was very fun because we got to go around alone and all around outside. However, photography does not interest me as a career and I will not continue it in high school. I am not the artsy type and I’m not good with cameras. My favorite picture is below.

Close Up

In this project, we were asked to take 10 pictures of close up objects, some living and some not living. To get this done, I used VSCO so I could adjust settings for my camera. This app worked well. One challenge was when the picture came out blurry. It was also difficult to find objects to take a picture of. If I had all the time and equipment, I would photograph a fish. I think this would be cool because you can see all the scales and minor details. You can see the rest of my photos here

Set In the Street

In this project, we were asked to take a picture zoomed in on the set and zoomed out. “Set in the street” is inspired by Justin Bettman because his photo’s had a set in the street. In addition, this project was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems and was based off of her “Kitchen Table” project. n photoshop I used the black and white effect and the curve effect to make the shadow. I would take a picture of my family on the couch because when we are together, we spend a lot of time on the couch.

7 Days

Day 1: I am thankful for my dog, Max, because my dog is always happy to see me.

Day 2: I am thankful for lacrosse because I have met so many people in all the years that I’ve played and I am thankful for them all and it is very fun going on trips with them.

Day 3: I am thankful for my other dog, molly, because she loves to snuggle with me.

Day 4: I am thankful for my lacrosse friends because they help me get through so much.

Day 5: I am thankful for soccer because traveling with my friends is so fun.

Day 6: I am thankful for the friends I have in this class for helping me when you are busy

Day 7: I am thankful for food because it keeps me alive!