
A difficult part of this project was getting my pictures into a document because I didn’t get the necessary help that I needed.  The people who have a sad face have the biggest difference between a smile and non-smile. Bias could affect my job as a photographer because I could skip by someone very interesting just because of how they look. I could ask a client to simply smile because everyone is capable of smiling. See my photos here

Light Graffiti

To take these pictures, we had to go into a dark room and keep the camera lens open for about 10-15 seconds. The part that worked was figuring out the settings but one difficulty we faced was doing the design correctly. It was frustrating when we ran out of time to finish the picture. To take this project to the next level, we can get more colorful lights and a better camera so we can leave the lens open longer. You can find my pictures here

Rule of Thirds

In this project, one thing that worked was when we took pictures outside. It was easier to find spots to take them. One part that was hard was when we had to take pictures inside. We had trouble finding places to take pictures. I thought this project would be easy but as the project went on, it got more difficult. The “lines” in my shot had to line up with the object in the photo. In the bench picture, one line was on the back part and the other line was where you sit. you can see the rest of my photos here

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project, we were asked to pick three objects, one of which was a person, and take photos of it from 5 different angles. One challenging part of this project was when I had to take pictures of a human (Dom Popa). She was not cooperating for some parts but we ended up finishing. The highlighter was the most difficult because i couldn’t figure out 5 different angles. This project helped me understand the importance of angles when taking a photo. You can see my photos here.

24 Colors

In this assignment, I had to use a box of 24 crayons and find backgrounds that matched the crayon colors. One of the challenges of this project was when I lost two crayons. I lost my white one inside of a vent and the other color of the second one I lost is unknown. One thing I found to be easy would be taking pictures of the black and blue crayons. You can see all of my photos here.