Macro Shots

The assignment was to take shots of ordinary things close up. like to the point where you can tell what the thing being photographed is. The easiest thing was to take the pictures of the big things like sidewalks or dirt clearings. It was harder to take pictures of the smaller objects up close. There was less surface area so it was harder to take close up shots.

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Light Graffiti

The assignment was to take pictures of people with light trails around them or just light trails alone. The easiest thing to do was to get the settings on the camera down. The hardest thing to do was to make the picture come out how I wanted it to. Sometimes it will seem like everything is outlining right and the picture will come out perfectly but then it turns out really bad.

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The assignment was to take pictures of people but take them through two objects that create a frame. The easiest part of the project was taking the pictures. The thing that was most difficult was to find frames in unusual places. My favorite part of this project was being outside and taking the pictures.

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Action shots

The assignment was to take pictures of things in motion. And not motion that can be faked with a pose, the type of motion that can only be photographed in the moment. The most challenging thing was finding different dynamic action shots to do while still making them actions that cant be faked with a pose. The easiest part was capturing the image because It was just a matter of catching the perfect moment and while tedious at times was the easiest thing.

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3 Objects 5 Photos Each

The project assignment was to take pictures of 3 objects (2 people) and take five pictures of different angles for each picture. The most challenging thing for this project is was finding 5 different angles for each object. The hardest thing to photograph was the plant because I couldn’t find a good under angle. This project taught me how to find more angles than just the standard one way angle.

Click here to see my photos.