Caitlyn's Photos

Caitlyn's photography site

7 Days

Photo 1: My Family

I’m thankful for my family because they support me and take care of me. I’m also thankful of how my family provides for us.

Photo 2: My books.

I’m thankful that I can own and read as many books as I want. In the picture are just some of the books I own. I know a lot of people can’t own a lot of books like I can, so I’m thankful that I can own so many. 

Photo 3: Dance Team

In this photo I’m wearing my Danceworx jacket. Danceworx is the dance team I’m on. I’m very thankful I can be on a dance team. I’m also thankful I can be on a team with such amazing people and a team with an amazing coach.

Photo 4: My Dog

I’m thankful for my dog Lily. Even though she died, I’m still thankful for her. She made me happy and I had a lot of fun with her.I’m thankful I had such a good dog.

Photo 5: Baking

This is a photo of a chocolate chip cookies recipe. I’m thankful that I’m able to bake so much. I love baking, and I know not all people are able to bake a lot, or at all. I’m thankful that I can.

Photo 6: My cousin\

This is a photo of my cousin Meghan. She’s technically my second cousin, but we still call each other cousins. I’m thankful that I have someone in my family the same age as me and that I have a friend like her. I’m also thankful that I can talk to her about things, and that she can do the same for me.

Photo 7: Theater Friends

I’m thankful for my friends that I have at theater camp, something I do in the summer. I still talk to them, but only get to see them in the summer. I’m thankful that I have such great friends and that we still talk.

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