Caitlyn's Photos

Caitlyn's photography site


For this project we had to take photos of fifteen people, one where they’re smiling and one where they’re not smiling. the difficult part of this project was asking people to take their picture. The changes that i saw between the photos of people smiling and not smiling where smaller for some people, and bigger for others. Some, the person looked almost mean and very serious in their non smiling photo, but then looked very nice and a good person in the smiling photo. Bias could affect someones job as a photographer in many ways. They could miss some good opportunity’s because of bias against a certain type of people. As a photographer. you should ask your clients, or people you photograph, about their life, interests, and views, so you can make a fair judgement on them, good or bad, and take fair photos. most of all though, you should try and stay as neutral as possible. The link to my photos is here.

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