Caroline's Photography Site

Lets be honest you probably need a picture for that assignment

Last Project :(

This semester has been fun. I loved being able to learn how to take and edit photos with friends. Photography now seems more of an art than it once did to me. I realize that the shots you often see are harder to get than they look. I never thought I’d be the kind of person to care how good a camera was on a phone or to care much about the composition of the photo. I now keep the rule of thirds gird up on my phone to take photos and am more likely to spend more time taking a photo. My favorite from this semester is hard to choose but I liked making/setting up and helping on the set in the street. It was very hands on and required Amy, Melissa, and I to think outside of the box more. I would love to take photography next year and possibly continue photography courses in college. We live in a very media based age and photography is a big part of that. I don’t think I would choose it as a career but I might do it as an addition to whatever profession I choose. A favorite photo will be very hard to choose as many of them have great memories behind it.

This is one of my favorite photos because it captures the action and is rule of thirds and you can also see a close up of the ground.

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