Caroline's Photography Site

Lets be honest you probably need a picture for that assignment

Set in the Street: Kitchen Table

For this assignment, we built a set in the street of a kitchen table. We were inspired by the set in the street photographer, Justin Bettman. He creates sets to take photos in that look like they would be indoors but in reality are often in the middle of a city. You can find his photos here. We were also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who is known for her Kitchen Table photos. She takes photos around her kitchen table depicting scenarios that have happened in her home. You can find her photos here. When editing these photos we used the black and white tool, the elliptical marquee tool, and curves, to create the lighting look as shown in Carrie Mae Weems photos. If my family were to do this, our photos would be around our countertop which is where many events have taken place. Below are some of the photos I took or helped to create along with a zoomed out photo of the set in the street.

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