Category: Portraits

White Background

White Background

The way we took our photos was with a white background and changing the settings of the ISO, Shutter speed, and F-Stop. Some of the photos did not need to be edited since they were fine the way they were. What worked was shining a bright light at the background when we took the picture. For the white background, we used a different shutter speed than the black background. The black background was much easier than the white background. What didn’t work was standing to close to the white background because we could see the shadow of the person.

Link to the rest of the photos:

Black Background

Black Background

Some of the photos we took did not need to be edited. The others we used Photo Shop to make the background a bit darker because the F stop, ISO, and Shutter speed did not do a good job. A dark room with 1 camera light worked the best to help take these photos. What didn’t work was a super bright light and the person standing close to the wall because we could see the shadow.

Active link to the rest of the photos: