Author: Samuel Burdeen

Black Background

Black Background

Some of the photos we took did not need to be edited. The others we used Photo Shop to make the background a bit darker because the F stop, ISO, and Shutter speed did not do a good job. A dark room with 1 camera light worked the best to help take these photos. What didn’t work was a super bright light and the person standing close to the wall because we could see the shadow.

Active link to the rest of the photos:


1 Object, 5 Shots

1 Object, 5 Shots

My assignment was to pick 3 objects, 1 of those 3 have to be a person. Then take 5 different photos in different angles. A challenge during the project was finding good angels for the same object without moving the object. The hardest object to photograph was a person, this is because the person was blinking some of the time so I had to time some of the shots. This project helped my take a better looking photo of the same object.

below is my favorite photo from each of my objects and a link to all of the photos:

Color project

Color project

My assignment was to take 24 photos of objects that match crayon colors. The project had some challenges to it, for example, some of the different shades of purple was hard to find. There was also some easy parts of it, for example, the black, grey, brown, and white were very easy to find because they can be very common.

Below are 2 of my favorite photos from the album: