Up Close

For this project I had to take photos of things up close like plants or other objects. Turning the camera to macro mode what didn’t work was putting the camera very close to the camera. It was difficult to find different plant life that looked good up close and some problems where the camera not coming into focus. If I had the equipment and the time I would want a picture of a jelly fish up close. Find the rest of my photos here.

Set in the street

This project is one where we had to set a scene of a kitchen  table. It is inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who originally created the idea to set scenes at her kitchen table.  This project was also inspired by Justin Bettman who set up props in random locations around the world. I used the oval tool in Photoshop to create a oval where the top is along the lamp. Then i set the feather to 200 and inverse the oval. I would then adjust the brightness of the photo to get the dark curve a the top. If I had to choose one place to set up scenery I would chose Washington DC because the marble buildings in the background would improve the look of the far away shot. the rest of the photos are here.

A picture of me sleeping after a long night of homework
The far away picture of Tommy throwing a plate at me.

Photos in motion

In this project we had to take pictures of items in motion. A set up that helped was to put the camera under the object to get a better more extreme angle of the action. A tip I would give for someone doing the same thing would be to be patient because the perfect photo wont always come quickly. If i could I would take a photo of soccer players. The rest of my photos are here.

7 Days Project

This ice cream turkey was a mix of caramel and cookie doe ice cream and it was grate.
This is my house and I am thankful for shelter during the night, cold, and rain.
I love to drink hot chocolate and eat marshmallows they are delicious.
This is a painting my brother made when he was 3 and I am thankful he was able to go to school and be able to create this painting.
This is my bus stop and the structure protects us from the rain when waiting for the bus.
This is my favorite food to eat during thanksgiving and i am tankful to have food.
This is a Christmas display in my house and i am thankful that my parents can afford to get presents on Christmas.

Smile project

This project was difficult because some people would turn down the offer and i couldn’t get others to smile. Some people went from intimidating to friendly. Bias can affect a photographers job because they might frame the picture so the person is intimidating or friendly. I asked clients no questions about background and tried to ignore appearances to get the least bias photo. the photos of my smile project are kept here.

Light graffiti

My group took pictures by having the camera lens open for 30 seconds and shining the light at the camera to create a image. shining the light away from the camera didn’t work and shining the light towards the camera did work. I was frustrated when one of my group mates ran into the picture and wrote LAMOW  over my image. I could improve my photos by adding colored lights. The rest of my photos are here

Rule of thirds

In the rule of thirds project using a grid on my phone worked and punting the object in the middle didn’t work. My thoughts on the project didn’t change from the beginning to the end. the lines on the left or right of the screen had to line up with the object. I set up my shot by putting the object in the center of the camera and then moving the camera to the left or right. The rest of my photos are here.

Black background

To take the black background photos we had to stand far away from the black background and shine a light on the person. standing far away worked and it didn’t work when we didn’t shine the light on the person. The rest of photos are hear

White Background

In order to take these photos me and my group had to turn the camera light sensitivity up along with some other things. turning on surrounding lights worked and turning off the lights didn’t work. I then went into photo shop and cropped out any part of the picture that isn’t white. see the rest of the photos here