Black Background

During this project, I got to change the settings on my camera with ISO and shutter speed to make the background black. The settings on the camera worked most of the time to create a mice picture which was good. Sometimes, it was hard to change the settings for each person to add more or […]

Black Background

1 object, 5 shots

I had to take photos of 3 objects from 5 different perspectives. A challenge during this project was finding a good object to take pictures of. The object that was hardest to photograph was Maya because she moved a bit. This project helped me learn how to find unique angles to use.

1 object, 5 shots

24 crayons

I took pictures that match each color in a 24 box of crayons. It was hard to match each color and take a good picture of the crayon. I found it easy to match colors in Mrs. Hoovers room because it is very colorful. My 2 favorite pictures are the orange crayon in a science […]

24 crayons