Action Photos

In this project, it was my duty to capture motion in a photo. For example, if someone were to be jumping, I’d have to capture them in mid-air as they go up or come down. While my phone doesn’t have specific settings to help capture the action photos, I did use the burst mode. The burst function captures a bundle of photos, compresses it into 1, and you can choose which photo(s) to keep. One tip that I have for anyone who would like to try out this project is to make sure it isn’t staged, so that it isn’t someone faking a run or doing a pose. Make sure the motion is actually happening and it will capture the motion as is. One sport that would be really good to include for this project could be soccer. From heading a soccer ball, kicking it, and punting it, this sport can demonstrate many different forms of motion. To view more photos of this project, go to this link!

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