
This project was pretty simple, in my opinion. My objective was to find objects to frame the border of the photo, but still have the main object visible. In the photo I provided, the railing of the stairs frames the photo, and still gives me a clear view of my friend Ela. This project is much different from my Rule of Thirds project. The Rule of Thirds project was based off of getting things to either take up one-third or two-thirds of the photo using the grid lines. This project didn’t use the grid lines, but they still could have been useful. This photo I attached is my favorite, mainly because it catches the details of the railing and my friend. The railing is in the perfect position, and so is Ela, so it was a clear shot. One major challenge I had faced within this project had to of had been making sure the photo actually had a frame, and that it wasn’t just something on two sides. To view more framed photos, visit this link. I have cropped a few so that other objects do not intercept with them.

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