Up Close!

Up Close!

In this project we had to take pictures very close to objects and living things. The point of this project was to take a picture of a object really close and you couldn’t zoom in. You can use this setting on your phone called Macro or you can use VSCO. Something that went really well is the cropping of the image and some up close objects but some others were hard. I tried to take new pictures. Some of the challenges was trying not to get the same picture as everyone else. There were no complications with my camera and it was kind of difficult to find different subjects and things to take pictures of. I would to take a picture of a bug or a tiger because they have really pretty eyes and cool skins. These are my two favorite photos if you want to see more pictures click here.

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

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