Month: December 2018

Set In The Street!

Set In The Street!

In this project we had to make a scene in the school lobby. We had to recreate a photo from two different photographers Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. In our group was Ashley, Alexandra, Brianna,Taniah, Tabitha, Rebecca, and Asierah. The tools I used to get these pictures are make the photo black and white, then you have to put a elliptical marque around your image,then push select modify feather,and select inverse add 250 and then you can change the color. If i could choose a place to tell my family’s story it would be at home or at a very special place they liked to be you would see a lot of food and chairs or cleaning of the kitchen. If you want to see more photos click here.

7 Days

7 Days

I’m thankful for my sister shes the one on the right. I’m grateful for her because she has helped me with anything. She is very funny and very kind but she can be annoying at times. Overall she is a very good sister,she knows that I will love her everywhere I go.

I’m also thankful for life because I would miss wonderful memories if I wasn’t born. I wouldn’t have a sister or anything. Some people say life is horrible but once you see and find good things to do you might love life.
I’m thankful for food because without food I will be so skinny and have nothing to eat . Without food I would die and chipotle its so good.
I’m thankful for  my friend tabitha. She is a very funny and a little weird. Sometimes she can be annoying  and mean but she is still a good friend. 
I’m very thankful for my mom because she is always there for me and she makes me happy sometimes. She is my best friend and i love her so much.
I’m also grateful for my cousin because he is very fun,annoying,and a baby at times. He has mixed emotions toward everyone sometimes he is happy and sometimes is angry.
I’m also thankful that I have a roof over my head because without somewhere to sleep and eat every night I would have nowhere to go.
Catch The Action

Catch The Action

For this project, we had to take pictures of things that are in motion but not just in motion also in action.  When we were about to take the photo if you jumping you should put the camera down low so it would look like shes flying. If you are trying to catch someone running just hold down your camera button and it will take a burst of photos and then see which one you like. If I could take a picture of someone playing  soccer or football that would be really cool.  Something that I did that was very good when I took my photos was the different angles. These are my two favorite photos if you want to see more click here.