Month: October 2018

Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

This is my favorite photo if you want to see more click here. The first thing we did was put the camera to manual and then put it on shutter speed for 15 seconds.  Some of the things that didn’t work was when you had to hide the light so you could make the design. Sometimes people didn’t face the light towards the camera, some people didn’t even turn the light off when they were done so it was just a big blob of light. Also some things that did work didn’t really work as we wanted it too. Some of my frustrations were when the picture didn’t look like what you pictured. Some ideas for taking it to the next level is making weird designs.

Portraits with an Infinitive White Background

Portraits with an Infinitive White Background

These are the photos we took with the white background. If you want to see more click here. The iso had to be really high to take these pictures. Some of the pictures we took didn’t work because we didn’t fix the camera. The rest of the photos were great.  I liked this project the most because there was less editing to do. 

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

 These are my two favorite pictures if you want to see more click here.Some pictures didn’t work because we had to put the grid on our camera’s so we knew what works and what didn’t. Some of my pictures did work because it was specific angle that you needed to take pictures from so you would get it right.

Portraits with an Black Background

Portraits with an Black Background

These are the photos with an Black Background If you want to see more click here. The easiest part was when you make the person lighter to make the background look darker around the person. Actually none of the pictures  worked because we didn’t do it right the first time.

5 shots 1 object

5 shots 1 object

For this project I had to take 5 shots of one object. If you want to see the rest of pictures click here. The challenge was trying to make sure I have all the different angles for my picture. The hardest part was a person because they don’t do what you want them to. This project helped me take pictures in 5 different angles.