

This semester we have learned how to properly take a picture from angles to lighting, we’ve always learned different settings we can use on a camera to make a picture cooler. My thoughts have changed about photography I hadn’t realized how much effort and thought goes into taking a picture I thought you just click a bottom and your done. I now take pictures with much better angles instead of taking a straight photo I will get lower or use ruler of thirds. My favorite project was the light graffiti project, I believe it took the most effort and looked the coolest. I don’t think photography interest me as a career because I am not handy with a camera, all the settings confuses me. However I will take it in high school and hopefully learn.

This was my favorite photo from this semester,



7 days

I am thankful for my friends. Most of my friends I had just met in middle school. They are always there for me supporting me. I know when I am with them I will have a blast. It makes me sad to know that many of us will be separating in high school next year.

I am thankful for my sports teams. I have been on many sports teams these past few years. I have been on a couple basketball teams, a soccer team, a softball team, and a dance team. My teams are my second family. They are helpful, and even though I may not be the best at the sport they accept me and push me to do better.

I am thankful for my dog. My dog’s name is Nino, he is a 1 year old multi poo. We bought him in Florida on vacation. We had just gone shopping one day, little did I know we would be getting a dog. I knew from the second I saw him I fell in love, and after about 30min of convincing he was finally ours. He is very energetic and playful.

I am thankful for Greece. I have been going to Greece every summer ever since I was little. We have a house their on the island I am from, it is a small island called Andros just a 2 hour boat ride from Athens. Many of my family lives in Greece and I look forward to seeing them every summer. My favorite thing about Greece is the beautiful scenery and the food.



I am thankful for my family. I have 2 brothers one is a sophomore and the other just   graduated, I will miss him a ton when he goes off to college. I also have a mom and a dad who are always there for me. I am very grateful for my family and I love them with all my heart.  


I am thankful for my culture. My culture consist of going to church every Sunday, Greek dancing, goya youth group, eating gyros, and celebrating Easter about a month later than everyone else. Most of these things may seem strange or embarrassing but to me it’s reality, it’s what makes me unique.


I am thankful for my education. Although I may complain a ton about having to go to school every morning, I am grateful to have the right to an education. I enjoy learning new things or working at something to become better. I love writing and reading , I struggle in math so I practice hours till I can succeed.  School has taught me many things and has brought me to were I am today. I can’t wait to see were it will take me later in life.

Action shots


This project is about taking clear pictures while someone or something is in action. I went around the school and asked people to do random stuff such as jumping in the air. Our goal is to focus on the person in action while everything around them is blurry. I used a burst of photos so that way I can catch the person at the best moment. We had no settings, however I would just tap to focus on the person or object before they do their action. I would photograph dancers, cheerleaders, or gymnast because I feel like they do the coolest actions.