Getting Close

For this project we had to take a close up and focus on the main subject of the picture. Something that made my project successful was taking the pictures from different angles so that the camera could focus on the raindrops. A difficulty I came across while taking the pictures for this assignment was getting the camera focused on the subject. Or getting the photo to be more clear and not blurry. If I could, I would choose to photograph the stars in the night sky if I had the equipment. Above is my favorite picture out of the other 9 I took, to see the rest click here.

Action Photos

This is a picture of Kameran Williams doing a cartwheel in out stairwell. To capture her in a full movement I put the camera in burst mode to get all the movement. I recommend using burst mode and when taking the pictures stay in the same position the whole time so your pictures will be easier to edit. If I could, I would want to photograph track, someone doing the 40 yard dash. However in this project I had to take multiple pictures of action then I had to put them together in Photoshop and clean up the edges. To see 6 single action pictures click here.

Framing Subject

For this project we had to place an object or a person between two things that “frame” the object. For example this picture of the camera was taken at an angle that makes the camera look like its being framed with the bleachers. This project was different from the Rule Of Thirds project because with that one we had to place the subject along the main focal points. With this project we had to surround the subject with two objects. One of the challenges while doing this project was making sure the frames were the right size for the subject. If you would like to see the rest of the pictures click here.

Rule of Thirds

For this project we had to apply the “The Rule of Thirds” method in order to complete the assignment. The rule of thirds is a tic-tac-toe like array that takes up your whole camera view and the main object you are trying to capture should be along the focal points. What didn’t work was just capturing what we wanted top, the whole purpose of the project was to use that method. What worked was taking the pictures on the opposite side of the sun to create a sort of silhouette effect. I personally like to just take the picture instead of having to line the subject of the picture up with the lines. If you would like to see the other pictures I took using the rule of thirds click here.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

Cynthia, Kameran and Jordyn
Mike Mevo
Cynthia Hernandez
Kameran Williams

While taking the pictures with the white background, we stood in front of a bug white piece of paper and took our pictures. When we were done we used Photoshop to make the background infinite so that the shadows wont cast on the paper. Placing the light directly on the person caused the shadows to be more visible, but placing the light on the paper didn’t. We took many more pictures, to see them click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

Our security guard Darren Gregory (Lakelands Park Middle).

Overall we the main goal of this assignment was to find 3 objects/people and take 5 pictures with 5 different angles. The biggest challenge was determining what was just different position from a different angles. I liked using people as my object to take pictures of because it was easier to photograph rather than a stationary object, in my opinion. This project helped me determine what was a new angle and what was a different position. This is my favorite picture that I took for this project, however I have 14 more in which you can see if you click here.

24 Colors

Our cafeteria’s “Mighty Mini By Hershey” ice cream sandwich and Crayola’s Dandelion.

While creating this project and taking pictures, I went through some great accomplishments and challenges. Some of the challenges were finding crayons that matched the background well enough to take pictures of. Another one was making sure I had all 24 colors and not having multiple takes of the same picture mistaken for another color. However what I found to be rather easy was the placing of the crayons and the balancing. Overall this was a good “first” project for us to do, it was an easy and smooth transition into our future assignments. I learned that when your camera wont focus or the picture just doesn’t seem to fit your expectations, try to take the picture from another angle. The picture above is the one I personally like the most out of all of the other pictures which you can see if you click here.