Action Photos

In this project, we had to take pictures of people doing an action. We had to make sure the action couldn’t be staged. One thing I did when taking action pictures was I took bursts so I could get the right picture. One tip I have for taking action pictures is to be patient. You might not get the picture on the first shot but you will get it eventually. A sport I would like to take photos for would be snowboarding. Overall, I really enjoyed this project because there were lots of different things you could have done with the project.

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Rule of Thirds

In the rule of thirds project, I had a grid on my camera (3 by 3) and I had to line up certain objects with the lines or intersects. One thing that I struggled with in this project was knowing if something was the rule of thirds or not. One thing that worked for me was when I took an object and put it up close in one of the corners. It made the picture look a lot more interesting. At the beginning of the project, I thought the Rule of Thirds would give the picture more depth and make your eyes go from one thing to another. You are supposed to line up objects on the lines. When you set people up it takes a lot of directing so you can make sure that you get the people or object exactly where you want it. Overall, I really enjoyed this project!

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Frame Pictures

In this project, we had to find a frame from things like gates, fences, playground objects, etc. Then, we had to have someone in the frame doing something that made sense to the frame and surrounding area. This project was similar to the rule of thirds project because you kind of needed to incorporate the rule of thirds into the frame pictures. In my favorite picture (shown below), the first thing you want people to see is the object (Mia). I feel like the frame helps the person looking at the picture focus on the object. This picture was my favorite because I really liked how the frame looked, Mia’s positioning inside of the frame, and the playground/sky in the background. The hardest part of this composition was making sure that the first thing people see was the object of person you were focusing on.

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Light and Dark Portraits

In this project, we had to change the camera settings so that I could remove the shadows from the backgrounds and make an infinite background (light or dark). We had to change the ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop on the camera. In the light pictures, It was hard to get rid of all of the shadows. The light that we could use didn’t work for us very well so we didn’t use it. In the dark pictures, it was hard to see the people so we had to position the lights so you could see peoples faces in the dark. For the dark pictures, we had to make the ISO lower to change the light sensitivity on the black background and the opposite for the white background.

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1 Object, 5 shots

In this project, I had to take 5 pictures of a person, and each picture must be from a different angle. One challenge I had during this project was finding 5 different angles for each object. The hardest object to photograph was the pencil because it was so small that in some angles you couldn’t see it. This project helped me realize that taking pictures from more than 1 angle can make your pictures much more exciting.

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24 Crayons Project

In the 24 crayons project, I had to go around the school matching crayon colors with objects that have the same colors as the crayons. The hardest part of this project was when I had to find colors that matched the orange crayons. There were very few things that matched orange in the school. The easiest part was probably finding blue in our school. I learned that there is lots of blue in our school and not a lot of orange at all.

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